If this is your first time experiencing Kristendom, welcome. If you somehow engaged with Kristendom 1.0 – either through the Kristendom blog or Kristendom Talks Tech – welcome back.
What is Kristendom?
Back as a bright-eyed almost 30-year-old, I started a blog after reading many of the posts by Heather B. Armstrong on dooce.com and thinking to myself, “Hey, I could do that!” At that time, I had visions of creating a career from that blog and wrote a post every weekday. Some posts were, honestly, fairly awful. But I feel at least somewhat confident that more than a couple were quite good.
Over time, I gained a small following – many from students affairs. (For all the non-higher education folx, student affairs is not, as you might think, a department for college student love affairs, but a functional area in most college staffing structures that helps support college students with everything outside of their classes – and sometimes a few things in their classes.) Sometimes my posts skewed heavy into higher ed speak, and I even created an offshoot blog specifically focused on technology.
And then one day, I decided the blog was too much work, I needed to fit into a more professional/less funky personal brand box, and I wanted to focus my energies elsewhere. So I shut that shit right on down.
Why Kristendom 2.0?
About fifteen years after I first started that blog, I’m back here again – wanting to write, but also wanting to share my whole, flawed self if I’m going to do it.
So this is Kristendom – my own personal land online where I write what I want, share what I’m reading, fight the stigma surrounding mental health, and even show off some of my favorite cross stitch projects.
If you can get down with that, welcome. You’re my people, and I hereby grant you citizenship to Kristendom.