Sometimes the voice in my head says smart things. I’ll try to share those here as my blog, though I make no guarantees a few of the dumb things won’t slip in from time to time, too.

Dear person who says they love me but voted for Trump
This past month has been something I hoped to never experience. And though I was freshly hurt in November, since this administration has taken office, the hurt I have felt has dug in deep and started to grow roots. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. So [...]
Making your event neurodivergent-friendly
Earlier this week, we attended college orientation for our son as a family. Many schools also offer a parent/supporter orientation to ready parents for this transition. This is what my partner and I attended while our son went to his part of the program. For anyone who hasn't been to [...]
Unmasking as a Late-Diagnosed Autistic Person
As someone who wasn’t diagnosed with autism until her mid-40s, I often struggle with what it means for me to unmask. What if people don’t like who I am without masking? How even am I masking? These are just a few of the questions that someone who is a late-diagnosed [...]
Mental Health Musings
Dear person who says they love me but voted for Trump
This past month has been something I hoped to never experience. And though I was freshly hurt [...]
Adult Autism: Seeking an official diagnosis
A little over a year ago, I started to wonder if maybe I was autistic. Not one [...]
A Neurodivergent Girl in a Neurotypical (Work) World
Alternate title: I'm just a girl, standing in front of her work, asking you to be more [...]
Life Lessons Learned
Waiting: Living in the Pause
I have a confession: I actually like waiting. Not all waiting, this is true. For instance, I [...]
A Week of Not Reading
Last fall, I started a new (interim) job. Although I would be working with a creative team, [...]
The Power of Being Alone
The other day, I listened to Brené Brown talk about belonging on a podcast, and it has [...]