Sometimes the voice in my head says smart things. I’ll try to share those here as my blog, though I make no guarantees a few of the dumb things won’t slip in from time to time, too.

Kristen sits at table typing on laptop

Dear person who says they love me but voted for Trump

This past month has been something I hoped to never experience. And though I was freshly hurt in November, since this administration has taken office, the hurt I have felt has dug in deep and started to grow roots. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way. So [...]

Making your event neurodivergent-friendly

Earlier this week, we attended college orientation for our son as a family. Many schools also offer a parent/supporter orientation to ready parents for this transition. This is what my partner and I attended while our son went to his part of the program. For anyone who hasn't been to [...]

Unmasking as a Late-Diagnosed Autistic Person

As someone who wasn’t diagnosed with autism until her mid-40s, I often struggle with what it means for me to unmask. What if people don’t like who I am without masking? How even am I masking? These are just a few of the questions that someone who is a late-diagnosed [...]

Mental Health Musings

Life Lessons Learned

  • old-fashioned alarm clock in concrete room

Waiting: Living in the Pause

January 10th, 2023|Comments Off on Waiting: Living in the Pause

I have a confession: I actually like waiting. Not all waiting, this is true. For instance, I [...]

  • The Artist's Way book lays on an open notebook next to a blue pen and a pair of glasses

A Week of Not Reading

February 5th, 2020|Comments Off on A Week of Not Reading

Last fall, I started a new (interim) job. Although I would be working with a creative team, [...]